An interactive annual report
Website Build
Brand Application
Interaction Design
Competitor Research
A youth-focused organization with an adult donor base
While DoSomething is a youth-centered organization, the annual report is intended for an adult, donor audience. As a team, we determined the best strategies for highlighting key accomplishments, while reflecting youth voices, and creating an overall youthful and interactive experience.
I was responsible for creating the hi-fidelity wireframes and building out the entire site on Editor X.
Visualizing climate stories
The map was designed as an engaging and creative way to allow visitors to interact with stories that members shared about their experiences of climate change and visions for a greener future.
Working with lengthy copy
I consulted with my colleagues in Communications and Marketing on bringing the text and images to life online. My goals were to break up the narrative text with playful interactive elements to keep visitors on the page and engaged in the content.
Highlighting impact metrics for featured programs
The report included many featured programs. I designed content containers with drawers to keep the lengthy text hidden and draw greater attention to the impact of these programs. This allows the page to be more scannable, while giving the option for visitors to delve deeper into the program information.
The report yielded an average session duration of approximately 8 minutes!
After releasing the report, we were pleased by how many people diligently read and lingered on the page. We attribute the success of this project on thoughtful consideration for the audience, and careful management of content.
Looking to 2023
As we prepare for next year's annual report, we plan to revisit the goals of this project, who its for, and how we can continue to push the design to be unique and engaging.